You are stuck in a loop, so are your enemy.
Shoot them down, and survive as long as you can.


If your browser is zoomed in, the aim will be wrong. make sure your browser is at 100% zoom.  (This is fixed, but if you encounter problem with the mouse aim, try setting the zoom to 100%).

the first control scheme is in my opinion easier to use, but need time to get used to. The 2nd control scheme is a bit weird and hence I wouldn't recommend it, but if the first does not work for you, try the 2nd one.

The first control scheme moves toward the direction you press, and try to go towards it in the fastest possible way.

The second control scheme is just "A" for anti clockwise, and "D" for clockwise. It will not be easy to control while  you are at the bottom since D is now used to move left, and A is now used to move right.

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That's awesome!

Cool concept! I liked that it goes into hell mode after finishing all levels. Got up to 73 points

nice ! are you also participating in the LDjam ? if so post your link and I’ll play it.

Yup! Just published it a couple hours ago now: